New patient information
At Headache Specialists of Oklahoma we strive to form personalized treatment approaches for every individual suffering from headaches! A major part of success in your care involves establishing expectations and understanding your background.
Please take time to review our welcome packet and complete all of the included forms. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask. We are looking forward to working with you!
Please take sufficient time to accurately complete this entire form prior to your NEW patient appointment. Knowing your complete medical history, especially your headache history and what has previously been tried for treatment is important to Dr. Duvall. We understand that we are asking a lot of information; our goal is to provide complete and accurate patient care and this means having our patients spend enough time completing this form entirely. If you cannot recall exactly, please provide your best guess to the question being asked.
We ask that you thoughtfully complete your follow-up questionnaire prior to each follow-up appointment. This should be done within one week of your follow-up appointment, but not sooner. Providing up to date and accurate information allows us to provide the best recommendations for your medical care.
Migraine Calendar
We are thankful to one of our patients for creating an interactive migraine calendar.
Please complete this form if requesting a telemedicine follow-up appointment or if you anticipate having a telemedicine appointment at any time in the future at Headache Specialists of Oklahoma.
notice of privacy practices
We understand the importance of privacy and are committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your medical information. Please read through our Notice of Privacy Practices below.
Headache Specialists of Oklahoma is a private practice dedicated to providing personalized care for patients. Discussing and understanding financial and patient responsibilities is an important step in our partnership, and one that helps to ensure an aligned and sustainable medical relationship.
Generally, you should have enough refills to hold you until your next appointment with us. If you notice that you are running low on your medication, it likely means that you need to schedule an appointment.
Deaf or Hard of Hearing Communication Request Form
We ask this information so that we can communicate effectively with patients and/or companions who are deaf or hard of hearing. All communication aids and services are provided FREE OF CHARGE. Each person requesting communication aids should complete a separate form.
Notice Informing Individuals About Nondiscrimination and Accessibility Requirements and Nondiscrimination Statement: Discrimination is Against the Law
Headache Specialists of Oklahoma, PLLC complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. Headache Specialists of Oklahoma, PLLC does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex.